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8 benefits of running business apps on the cloud

Written by Juan Carlos Madruga | Feb 20, 2023

In today's fast-moving business world, companies are always looking for ways to improve their efficiency and stay ahead of the competition. One solution that has gained a lot of traction in recent years is cloud technology.

In fact, a recent study by the International Data Group suggests that 69% of businesses are already utilizing cloud technology in some way, and 18% say they have plans to do in the future.

Tech-savvy companies and industry experts are recognizing the many advantages of this trend and are seeking to benefit from it to run their businesses more profitably overall.  

From increased collaboration to reduced costs, business applications on the cloud offer a wide range of benefits for companies across all types of industries and all sizes.

What are business applications on the cloud?

This concept refers to software programs and tools hosted on remote servers and accessed online. This indicates that the software is accessed from the cloud and can be used from anywhere with an internet connection rather than being installed on specific computers.

Today, the majority of people use a variety of cloud-based applications; some of the most popular include Gmail, Google Drive, One Drive, and even Facebook and Instagram. Even though these apps are beneficial for personal use, businesses can benefit even more from them.

But it appears that some businesses are still hesitant to switch to the cloud. So, let’s discuss some of their most noteworthy benefits.

Benefits of cloud-based applications

1. Increased efficiency
One of the most significant advantages of running business applications in the cloud is its increased efficiency. With the ability to access software from anywhere, employees can work more efficiently and collaborate more effectively. This can lead to increased productivity and a more automated workflow.

2. Real-time collaboration
Cloud-based apps also allow for real-time collaboration, which can enhance teamwork and decision-making. Employees can collaborate on the same documents and projects at the same time, improving communication and streamlining workflow.

In fact, some cloud-based services provide employees with access to collaborative social spaces, which can lead to increased interest, morale, and engagement. 

3. Scalability
The scalability provided by cloud business applications is another advantage. Software requirements frequently change as businesses expand and undergo other changes.

However, cloud-based apps can be scaled up or down as necessary, making them a more adaptable option for businesses that are constantly changing.

4. Quality Control
Few things are as harmful to a company's success as poor quality and inconsistent reporting, but with everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any revisions or updates.

A cloud-based system will allow companies to keep documents in a single location and in the same format. 

5. Security
When it comes to running business applications in the cloud, many companies have some serious security concerns. However, a cloud host is much more effective than a traditional in-house system because security is their full-time job.

According to RapidScale, 94% of businesses that made the switch to the cloud noticed an improvement in security.

6. Improved productivity
Teams with access to business apps from anywhere can work from remote sites, at home, or while traveling. This can increase productivity significantly, as employees are no longer tied to a specific location or office.

Similarly to this, the cloud enables remote employees or collaborators to work from anywhere by providing access to corporate data via smartphones and other devices. 

According to research, 44% of employees spent up to five or more days a week working from home. Within the next five years, another 42% of employees who have remote work options intend to work from home more frequently.

With cloud business apps, team members will be able to work from any location as long as they have an internet connection once all of their business-related data is stored in the cloud. They are no longer reliant on actual business equipment.

7. Reduced costs
Businesses can cut costs by using cloud-based apps and they no longer need to invest in costly hardware or IT infrastructure. They can instead pay a monthly fee to have access to the software they require. 

According to Gartner, a sizable manufacturer of building materials shifted from its old data storage program to a cloud-based alternative. They calculate that the corporation was able to save up to $1 million annually.

8. Less Environmental Impact
Cloud-based apps support environmental proactivity by supporting efficient operations and fewer data centers, powering virtual solutions rather than actual physical products and hardware. Additionally, they can significantly lower energy consumption and carbon emissions.

By leveraging the power of cloud computing, businesses can benefit in various ways. Additionally, utilizing cloud-based business apps instead of on-premises hardware and software can help cut costs. This approach also allows businesses to scale their infrastructure up or down as needed. 

How to implement business applications on the cloud?

  • Evaluate your business needs: prior to putting business apps in the cloud, it's crucial to assess your company's unique requirements. This will enable you to decide which cloud-based solutions would best serve your needs and which software and tools are required.
  • Choose a trusted cloud partner: after assessing your requirements, it's time to pick a cloud provider. Given the variety of possibilities, it's critical to pick a provider with a solid reputation who can supply your business with the tools and support it needs.
  • Plan your migration: once you've chosen a cloud partner, it's time to plan your migration. In order to ensure a seamless transition to the cloud, this procedure should be carefully planned and carried out.
  • Implement and monitor: after your migration is complete, it's essential to keep an eye on how well your cloud-based business apps are running. This will help you identify any issues and make any necessary adjustments to ensure they are operating properly.

Are you ready to migrate to the cloud?

Running business apps on the cloud is a great way to save resources and boost productivity. When properly deployed, cloud systems will make it easier to manage all the data in your company. 

In the same way, cloud-based apps can help you stay one step ahead of the competition and accomplish your goals, regardless of your size or industry. 

The benefits of running business applications on the cloud are clear. From increased efficiency to reduced costs, cloud technology is transforming the way companies operate. In the end, they will give your company.

Whether you are a medium-sized business or a large enterprise, cloud business apps offer a scalable, secure, and cost-effective solution for your daily operations.


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