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Common Software Development Crises that Are Easy to Avoid

Written by Omar del Rio | Oct 12, 2020

Every business aims to develop a high-quality product, within the available resources and time constraints, and software development is no exception. However, things don’t always go as planned.

It’s all too common for software engineers to come across unprecedented issues and higher-than-expected levels of difficulty when designing efficient and effective programs. After all, it’s not possible to always have an insight into where they’ll encounter problems when dealing with the complexity of cutting edge technology.

How developers overcome some of the most common software challenges

Vague Project Requirements

The biggest challenge and the most common pitfall that adds to a project’s intricacy is a sudden change in project specifications. It is no wonder that 33% of the developers list vague or unclear requirements as their primary concern.

That’s why the scope of a project should be specified in the early phases of the development cycle. It is also essential to have established a smooth line of communication with all stakeholders to ensure the product’s alignment with planning.

Uncertain Quality Assurance

Not testing the product due to the pressure of meeting specific deadlines adds to your troubles and is not the right approach.

It’s vital to encourage developers to strictly adhere to quality control processes, and the product should go through rigorous testing. Additionally, introduce and encourage them to incorporate the best development practices, which will help them work more constructively.

Furthermore, ensure that your test plan considers all the aspects required to deliver a quality end product. The testing phase must be carried with careful planning and proper specifications.

Integration Issues

The integration of third-party apps or other systems, such as websites, database adds substantial intricacy to your product, and the biggest challenge is that it remains hidden throughout the development phases. This all results in overhead costs lag, and quality is compromised.

Therefore, it is vital to understand the end-user requirements, develop a framework, research, find out ways to overcome roadblocks in the performance, and meticulously test it before deploying it. This can help mitigate the threats of external constraints.

Inefficient Project Management

Multi-tasking often disrupts a project's performance as you lose focus, and your attention diverts to other tasks.

And it is essential to prioritize tasks and keep an orderly sequence that keeps you organized and helps you stay on the right track. When your manager bombards you with tasks, try to allocate and structure them by urgency.

To give in your best shot, and work seamlessly, plan your tasks sequentially, so you don’t miss out on important assignments and deadlines.

In Conclusion

From initial requirements to successful implementation, many internal and external factors can complicate the software development process. To sustain and thrive in the software industry, you need to have a clear understanding of the problems and communicate your plan with a clear roadmap to combat those challenges.